The Dream Team at TNC

What's the Dream Team?

The Dream Team is the overarching team of teams, full of incredible individuals who are developing their character and discovering their calling; using their gifts, passions, and unique story to engage and actively serve. The Dream Team is the collective of every team one might serve with at True North Church; Everything from security, to kids, to discipleship and more! Serving alongside those you worship with is an important part of who we are. There may also be something God has stirred in your heart and uniquely gifted you in that isn't on the general list. We would love to partner together in what that could look like. As we often say, (and obviously did not come up with ourselves): You can do it; We can help!

What's the culture of serving at TNC?

SERVE ALL is a core value of TNC, and we do so out of another core value, to LOVE WELL. Serving at TNC is not something anyone needs to do to belong. We recognize our world is saturated with a culture of profit and transaction, but God's love is simply not like that. So, church should not be either! We fight for health, family, wholeness, and healing and will always choose relationship over performance.

Where is the biggest serving need currently?

Kids will always require the most people as long as we are a family-friendly Sunday atmosphere (which we ARE!). A full service requires about 30 people serving in kids x 3 services... you get the picture!

Where do I start?

Click the button below to get started! You'll get an email as soon as you hit "submit" with additional info. If you're not sure where to serve, that's ok! We want to know YOU more! The form just goes to a regular person on our team- none of these answers are considered written in stone :)

Discover your gifts and passions

God created you for a specific purpose and has equipped you with unique gifts and passions to serve people and share God’s love with them. Discover your spiritual gifts and how to use them to make a difference through serving others at True North and in your everyday life.