I asked the LORD to give me this boy, and he has granted my request. Now I am giving him to the LORD, and he will belong to the LORD his whole life. And they worshiped the LORD there.
Samuel 1:27-28
Frequently asked questions
It's ok to have questions about child dedication! Below are some frequently asked questions; if your question isn't answered please use our contact form to ask it!
What is child dedication?
Child dedication happens during our Sunday celebrations. Families join pastors, staff, and our prayer team before the congregation to dedicate their children back to the Lord. Together, we pray for and celebrate the parent’s choice to raise their child(ren) in a God centered home, pursuing the wholeness for their family only found in Him. The congregation is invited to support families along this journey as we believe growing in faith happens in and through community with others.
Who is allowed up on stage during dedication?
We are family at TNC. We will have prayer partners up front to stand with, and pray over your family specifically. You are welcome to bring family, grandparents or god parents up front with you.
Are there age requirements for children participating in dedication?
There are no age requirements for your child. Most children are between infant and preschool age, but there is not a limit. We have had families with older children participate as well!
Can we dedicate more than one of our children at a service?
You absolutely can. We have had sibling groups dedicated together at many of our services.
Do we need to go through a class?
We do not have a required class at this time. We encourage families interested in dedication to attend a Child Dedication Q&A session which typically takes place a couple weeks beforehand. The Q&A is for anybody registered, interested in, or just wanting to know more about Child Dedication at True North Church. Any immediate questions can be directed to jc@tnc.church!
Why don't you baptize babies?
We understand different churches and denominations have a variety of beliefs surrounding dedication and baptism; Some using the terms interchangeably to mean the same thing. For clarity, we reserve the term "baptism" for when a person makes the conscious decision to follow Christ. "Dedication" is the term we use for a parent's decision to dedicate their child to the Lord and commit to raise them in a Christ-centered home.