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Engage, Expand, and Equip Groups

Engage is a transformative 12 Week experience that helps participants develop a habit of studying the Bible, journaling, and spending time with Jesus. It is the first step of the True North Church discipleship path. After completion of Engage, you are ready for the next step of Expand.

Expand is a 15-week step that will take you through some of the basic Bible doctrines. You will continue to form that habit of biblical study and journaling.

Equip- will continue to build and challenge you to hrow in your relationship with the Lord as well as help you to discover your figts, passions, and story. Equip is 24 weeks.

Engage Groups

(Click on the logo to register)

Womens Engage Group

Mondays 7pm
Led by Jan J
in her home

Womens Engage Group

Wednesdays 9am
Led by JC Schwartz
at True North Church

Young adult women Engage Group

Wednesdays 7p
Led by Kelsey P and Ava A
at Kelsey's home.

Womens Engage Group

Wednesdays 7p
Led by Lori S
at True North Church

Mens Engage Group

Mondays 7pm
Led by Brandon F
at True North Church

Engage Group

If you were unable to find a time or an Engage group that worked for your schedule, OR they are full, please register here to be put on the waitlist for the next session. 

Expand and Equip Groups

*Expand and Equip groups are only available for those who completed the prior steps.

If you have questions, haven't heard from your previous leader, or want to join a different Expand or Equip group, please email