Sign-ups begin September 15th for the fall session.


A community of small groups where you can build real friendships and begin, renew, or expand your walk with God. City Groups are a great first step! Groups are led by regular people who want to point people towards Jesus. Each group runs on a session model, and each session lasts 8-10 weeks.


Mark P
Mondays 6-7am

"Welcome to the Breakfast Club gentlemen! My name is Mark and the only thing I love more than breakfast food is Jesus! I'm married to a beautiful lady named Megan, have two kids named Cora and Hazel, and a big ol' dog named Archie. I love to ride other people's jet skis, camp as far back into the woods as possible, and read a good horror novel before bed." We will meet each monday at Randy's Diner (the Original one on South University Drive)

Ethan & Katie P and 
Nate & Mandie D
Mondays 6pm

Pendleys- Hello! Were the Pendleys - Ethan, Katie, Grayson (10), and Emma (7). We’re excited to dive into co-leading small group for the first time with the Drege family. Living in Mapleton has been such a blessing for us, and we truly enjoy the slower pace that small-town living offers. As a homeschooling family, we spend a lot of time together. Some of our favorite activities include biking, playing games, helping coach our kids’ sports teams, and staying active within the homeschool community in the FM area. We can’t wait to grow together in faith and fellowship with our small group this season!
Dreges- Hey! We are the Dreges and have been blessed with 3 beautiful kiddos! We spend our time watching our kids do what they love and as a family enjoy quality time in the outdoors, being with friends and family, and walking out our faith journey. Can't wait to meet you and grow together!

Sue L
Monday morn 10:30am
Mature women

This group is for ladies 55+.  I believe it's not what we do but why we do it!  It's all about God.  I enjoy sharing my faith with others, praising God with thanksgiving, music and dancing.Meet at my home, 841 17th Ave W, West Fargo on Monday morning from 10:30 to 12:00.

Hunter H and Skyler S
Mondays 6:30pm
Young Adults

Hey, we are Skyler and Hunter. Skyler is in nursing school and I (Hunter) Work as the intern here at True North and at I work at Scheels in the bike shop. When we aren't busy with school or work, we love to play pickleball, going to the gym or pretty much anything active. We would love to find a group of friends who are rooted or are trying to be rooted in their faith. We are excited to see how God uses this city group to build and strengthen friendships at our church. Mondays at 6:30 at Hunter's home.


Jason and BreAnne J
Tuesdays 6:15p

Hi! We are the Johnsons who live in South Fargo,  near Osgood. We have one daughter who is in 5th grade and a furry dog, Lollipop. She's a lover! In our free time we like to play games, travel, enjoy the summer season, & play Olaf attack (we will tell you more about it when you join our group). Our city group will meet on Tuesdays from 6:15pm- 7:45pm. Kids are welcome to go downstairs to play and learn about the Bible.  The adults will review the message from Sunday and dig deeper into the word. Single, divorced, dating, married, etc. are all welcome! We do have 1 medium dog.

Jake and Mary B
Tuesdays 6:30p with optional dinner at 5:30

We are the Bauer's! If you have kids in kids church on Sunday's odds are good that you've seen us around. We have a huge love and passion for Christ and for families in general. Our city group will be meeting on Tuesday evenings with dinner being ready between 5:30 and 6 and discussion beginning around 6:30 and ending at 8. Come for dinner or just for the discussion, we'd love to have you! Children of all ages are welcome, but we will be chaos parenting and discussing (no designated person watching over the children). We are extremely relaxed and our home may reflect that some (most) weeks. We believe that doing ministry in and through families is one of the most important gifts that we can give and model for our two children. We look forward to meeting with you!

Terri L
Tuesdays 6:30pm
Women all ages

Hi! My name is Terri LeGrand and I am excited to host a group at our home in West Fargo.  My husband Steve and I are retired parents of five grown children, have 3 son-in-laws, 1 daughter-in-law, 13 grandchildren and 1 great-granddaughter soon to be born. I am older for sure, but wiser. As the saying goes, been there, done that!! I love getting to know other women and building relationship with them! So, I am looking forward to growing in our Christian walks as Jesus girls!
I have a story of amazing redemption and reconciliation to my Father God and believe sharing our stories is just what Jesus would have us do.  Looking forward to getting to know even more people as we gather in my home this fall! Or if I already know you, getting to know you even better and deeper!  Blessings as you follow the Holy Spirit’s lead to join in community this season.

Dan and Sue M
Tuesdays 6:30p

Hello! ! We are Dan and Sue Mullin! We live in West Fargo, south of Aurora Elementary School. We have 3 adult children and 1 grandson.  We like to spend time outside and with family. We are looking forward to welcoming couples into our home and growing in relationship with you as well as diving into what we learned in the message on Sunday. Our group will meet Tuesdays from 6:30-8:00 pm

Jordan D
Tuesdays 7:30a
employees of Bobcat

This group is truly living out one of our True North Church values by being faith-filled risk-takers where they live, learn, WORK, and play! This group is open to employees of Bobcat and will meet tuesday mornings at 7:30am in the West Fargo office cafeteria. Due to company policy and procedures this group is ONLY open to Bobcat employees. 


Sadie A
Wednesdays 7pm

Women 23-33(ish)

Hello! My name is Sadie, a 25-year-old teacher who loves coffee, people & Jesus! Come join us on Wednesdays (& other random outings) as we build friendships, community & study God’s Word! Doesn’t matter the season of life you are in, we would love to have you join us!

Russ T
Wednesdays 7am
Men of all ages

Hello! My name is Russ Thomas. I recently moved to Fargo with my wife, Heather.  My life journey began in Georgia, and has taken me to Florida, Louisiana, Montana and back to Georgia before landing in the great state of North Dakota! I have three wonderful adult children and two grandsons. You might be thinking, “Man, how old is this guy?!?!”  Only 53. 🙂 I love spending time outdoors, especially training for half marathons and playing softball.  God has always been present in my life,  but have recently felt His calling to be more present with Him. Heather and I were lucky enough to be led to True North within the first few weeks of living here, and I’m looking forward to spending time in fellowship discussing and exploring the Word of God! Meeting at True North Church.

Greg and Brenda P
Wednesdays 6:30pm

Hi!  We're Greg and Brenda Potter and would love to have you join our South Fargo group for adults. We’ve been married 44 years, have 3 wonderful sons and daughters-in-law, and 6 incredible grandchildren.  We’re retired and enjoy golf, books, all kinds of projects, and just being with people!  Everyone is welcome and we look forward to sharing what God is doing and has done in all our lives. Meeting in their home.

Chris and JC S
Wednesdays 5:30pm
 Couples; Families 

Oh hay! We're Chris and JC Schwartz! We live in South Fargo near Southpointe with our two kids ages 9 and 4. We want City Group to feel EASY so kids are welcome and supper is prepared; all you need to do is show up. We also have a cat, a geriatric chihuahua, and a big puppy currently learning manners - fair warning to anyone with allergies to kids, pets, or a little bit of chaos. We're looking forward to making connections with other couples, getting others' insights on Sunday messages, and getting started in a Bible reading plan together on the Bible App (Bible in a Year)! Meeting in their home.

Andrew and Ariana H
Wednesdays 5:30pm

Hi, we are the Heislers! We live in Fargo near the Osgood golf course. We have one 20 month old daughter named Navy. We also have two very friendly dogs (mini Goldendoodle- Ozzy & mini Borderdoodle- Junie) and a cat (Simba)! We love grilling and spending time together as a family. We are excited to welcome you into our home to discuss the messages from Sundays, build community and grow together in the word! Our group will meet Wednesdays 5:30-7:30 with a meal at the beginning, all families are welcome!

Rachal H
Wednesdays 9:30am

Hi, I'm Rachel! I'm a former nurse turned stay at home mom. I have 3 kids ages 11,7, and 5 and a poodle named Uncle Rico. I love coffee, fitness, Jesus, reading, music, spending time with friends, and the outdoors (not in that order). I'm excited to host my first City Group for women-single, moms, and those who have more wisdom- all are welcome! Did I mention that I also love to bake? Come for a great time digging deeper into the sermon and surprise baked goodies from time to time. I look forward to meeting you!

Matt and Sydney B &
Eric and Megan M

Wednesdays 6pm
Families, couple

Millers- Hey, we are the Millers! We live in North Fargo, near the river. We have a 5-month-old son, that is growing like a weed. We also have a golden doodle named Finn. We enjoy spending time with family & friends, traveling, and remodeling projects. We are looking forward to Co-Hosting with the Baileys and growing together with you.
Baileys-Hi there! We are the Bailey’s. We live in North Fargo and have a 2 year old daughter and 2 dogs. We enjoy family time, the outdoors, and getting as much as we can out of each day. :) We are excited to host a City Group and see how God works through the relationships built and conversations had! We would love for you to join us. 

Tess S and Sydney I
Wednesdays 6:30p
Young adults

Sydney graduated from NDSU May of 2023 with an interior design degree, and is now working as an interior designer! She lives in South Fargo with her cat and fiancé. Sydney loves doing house projects, hanging out at the lake, and spending quality time with her friends!
Tess is a current nursing student in an accelerated program! School keeps her extra busy, but she spends her free time with family, friends, and her 2 dogs! She also likes crafting, reading, and journaling.
We met as students at NDSU about 5 years ago! Early in our friendship, we connected about our faith. We are excited to meet new people and see how God works through this city group!

Dan and Anna S
Wednesdays 6p

Hi there! We're the Stibrals, and we're thrilled to have you join our small group. We live close to TNC Church, just a few blocks from the PRACS building. Our little family includes a 7-month-old son and a friendly dog named Theo. We love spending time with friends and family, exploring new places, eating good food, playing sports, hunting, gardening, and taking leisurely walks. We're excited to create a warm and welcoming space for you and your family to connect, learn together, and build lasting friendships. Our group meets on Wednesdays from 6-7:30 PM. All are welcome, including children. We can't wait to meet you!

Mona D
Wednesdays 6p

Hi there! I'm Mona and I live in south Fargo. My oldest son and youngest daughter live in Fargo. My middle daughter and son in law live in Breckenridge. I have one granddog and one grandcat. Between work, family and friends, I tend to stay pretty active. In my free time, I love to travel, workout, read, and do home and yard projects.
 Looking forward to diving into the teachings and learning and growing with the group. We will be meeting at my home on Wednesdays at 6-7:30.


Brady H
Thursdays 6pm

My name is Brady and I am looking to meet with others who have a strong or growing relationship with their faith. I enjoy snuggles with my wife and two cats, going for hikes, camping, and working out/anything health and wellness related. I don’t have children but my wife and I are in the process of pursuing embryo adoption to grow our family after 4 years of infertility. I’m an open book and can talk about anything and everything. We will meet at True North Church.

Matt and Hadley P
Thursdays 7am
Young couples

Our names are Matt and Hadley. We currently live in West Fargo with our doggo Willa. Our hobbies are sports, spending time with family and friends, working out, and traveling when we can escape work! Our goal with this city group, is growing our community at church, specifically with people in our age group. We are incredibly excited to start our thursdays off well and have individuals bringing their own perspective and journey into our lives, as we grow in our faith and as members of the Fargo community!We look forward to hosting you! Meeting in their home or a coffee shop.


Bryce and Stephanie L
Fridays 3pm

We are the Lang Family! We just moved into our new house close to Independence Elementary School. Our family is very busy with our one-year-old daughter, Emilia, and our two dogs Bella and Fidget. We are hoping to meet more families that are part of True North Church and also take time every week to reflect more on our Sunday messages. Our group will meet in our home on Fridays from 3:00 - 4:30 pm. Families welcome. We do have 2 small, very friendly dogs, who love to receive pets from anyone willing to indulge!


Mellisa G
Saturdays 9:30a
Women and their children

Hi, I'm Mellisa and I live in Fargo! I have an adult daughter, Tanisha, a fiance, Travis, and 3 cats (Baby, Boots, and Zeus). I love summer, where I can be outside, go to races and travel. I look forward to building relationship with you and digging deeper into the Sunday message. Our group with meet Saturdays from 9:30am- 11am at TNC in the children's area. Children are welcome.

Do you want to lead your own City Group?

Do you love having fun, encouraging others, and creating a space for people to connect? Sign up to be a City Group leader. It’s an 8 week commitment, one time per week. You choose when and where you meet and the type of group you want to lead. It will be one of the best decisions you make! Send us a message to connect with Emily and get more information about what being a City Group leader is all about!